Monday, March 05, 2007

The Best Comment Ever (well, for me at least)

I've just finished packing for tomorrow's overnight and I still can't get that comment out of my mind. It was from my Biochem prof.

As our Biochem period was about to end today, she said something on how she always noticed that I seemed to be the only one really serious about note-taking & how I always seem to take note of every little detail. Hey, what can I say?! I enjoy the subject especially since, as my prof says, it's like a mini-medicine course. And, yeah, I do enjoy note-taking (cos it makes you look really smart & responsible) but I never really actually make use of those notes. Anywayz, back to the story. My prof suddenly told me: "You know, you'd make a good doctor. Why don't you consider taking up medicine?" I was so shocked (and touched) by what she had said! So, yeah, I ended up telling her that THAT was actually my plan.. and she got all happy/excited/ecstatic... whatever you call it. She then said: "Really? That's good! Good for you! Go for it! You'll definitely make a good doctor..." blah blah blah blah blah...

That conversation gave me something to smile about for today. Actually, it's not just a smile.. there's a huge grin plastered on my face right now. hihi... =)