Monday, February 26, 2007

Biology just made my day

Earlier, our group had to present a skit on the bod's immunity to pneumonia (the bacteria-caused disease assigned to our group). It was too bad for us (and some other group) cos the skit was supposed to be due last Friday but due to lack of time, the last two groups weren't able to perform. It was unlucky since the standards the teacher set for today's skits were much higher (she was easy on those who presented Friday). I had seriously expected a grade of 84% but turns out, we got a grade of 99%! All that thanks to the creative mind of Althea!Ü
After the skit, our midterm grades were flashed up front. For those who aren't aware, I haven't attended Biology class at all duriong the midterms, and I didn't even bother to pass any bonus projects given. All I passed where whatever requirements were given (and of course, the exam). Surprisingly, I still managed to be one of the top in class, I got a 99% (got a 90% for the prelim, the highest that time). My friend, Ge-An (whom I've also influenced on not attending Bio classes any longer) got to be the highest.. she got a 101%! wooo! Go Ge-An!Ü She did pass this bonus on the DNA Structure... but who cares! galing pa rin nun!

So, if any of you hesitate on cutting class (especially Bio, where attendance isn't counted), take it from us! We didn't attend even one Bio class (except probably if there were quizzes) and we still managed to be the highest ones!Ü

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Last Friday, 23 Feb. 2007, was a very special day for our college professors. In the evening, we had this program were various students prepared song/dance numbers to give tribute to the teachers.
I was one of those who was included in our batch's presentation number. Ives was the one in charge of planning everything out and she had prepared some poem to be read by a few people & after, a song would be sung. Ives has been forcing me to join them in singing YOU (by The Carpenters) but I had strongly refused since I didn't want to stay in school till late evening (especially since Fridays are my busy days). Alas, we were required to join, so I decided to sing with Ives & the gang (on the condition that I'm alto). I made this decision only on Thursday, and performance was on the next day. Somehow, we ended up practicing in Shell Select. woo! how humiliating!
Friday came, and I've found myself crammed up in my schedule. The only meal I got to eat for the day was lunch (composed of fish, banana, and a glass of milk).
Sadly Fran didn't sing with us during the performance. It's such a waste cos he really is so good. Plus, di ako nawawala pag nandun xa, madaling mahanap ang tono. I even made this descant for the 1st stanza but I ended up not doing it cos it clashes with the way Izzy sings (not classical).. so scrap that. To make things short, practices turned out to be great (especially on that morning's practice with Ives, Jessa, Faith, Alyanna & Fran) but in the actual performance, nagkalat kami! un na un!

Med Mission
Another thing worrying me (and causing me pressure) is this Med Mission that Carisse and I are planning. It's going to be held on the 17th of March, a Saturday (just 3 Saturdays from now, to be exact). Yet, we still don't have any doctors to assist us! oh man!

Yes, there are other things that are pressuring me lately but they're the ordinary school requirements such as reportings, projects, and formal lab reports. So, it's nothing quite unusual except that there are a lot of them lately.