Saturday, March 08, 2008


Well, we finally had our battery exam today. Oh, it feels so goooood to finally have the wreck out of your mind. here's to capping!!! weee!!!! well, okay, there's still our grades for them to evaluate... but that doesn't worry me at all since you won't feel the pressure of it, the pressure of some procedure you have to undergo.

there were four parts to the exam... part 1 included English 1 & 2, Algebra, (gen & inorganic) Chemistry. part 2 was composed of GenPsych, Philosophy, Biochem, Logic, and Biology. Part 3 was made up of PHC 1&2, Anatomy and Physiology, and Health Ethics. and the last part, part 4, was Physics, Nutrition, SocioAnthro, and English3. 20 questions were provided for each subject. That's a total of 17 subjects, 340 questions. woah.

As we were about to begin our part 3 test, Miss Alfi (our year level coordinator, and one of our CIs) announced that they've already began checking our earlier tests.. everyone reacted, noise filled the air. then when things seemed to "hushen" up a bit, Ms Alfi continued... "Fem even got a perfect score in algeb". everyone reacted, including me! i was so shocked i actually screamed, i think. hehe. well,well... 20 points down and, ... as Jerald (who was on my left) said, "320 more to go". haaaay. =)