Friday, November 03, 2006


All my life, I have constantly valued Science more than anything else. I had always refused to resort to childhood ways (fantasies, imaginations, etc.) which is why majority say that I never had a childhood... and I would be exceptionally proud of that, taking it as a compliment. And now that I'm in college, it all the more shows how dedicated I've been to Science by choosing to be in the field of health care. When I found out that I had an IQ belonging to the upper 2% of the world population, I told my mom about what a waste it would be to NOT become a doctor when I had been blessed to be mentally-gifted.
SCIENCE IS MY LIFE. Never was there a time in my life that I have had a shade of doubt in Science, no way did I dare question its certainties. This was the deadly thing in me, according to Philosophy, for it is when one wonders that one lives his life. Science can stop us to wonder, to experience a state of awe, by making us think that we know all there is to know, by making us rely to much on Universal Truths. I myself very much opposed Philo at first, as it seemed to contradict Science; but nevertheless, I was intrigued by it. Just goes to show how one can stink really bad in something & still learn to love doing it. Yes, at first it did seem like philosophizing was a way of wrecking one's brain but, as stated in our earlier lessons, it's not that bad (and can even be actually fun) when you start to lose yourself in the game, in the music. By following this advice, I got to save my grade... from an 80.83 during the prelims, I managed to get a 90 in my midterms (still don't know what I got in my finals tho). Thanks to Philo, I got to see how little I know of my very own self. I always believed that I was a certain type of person; but now, it seem right to ask myself of how true that really is...for IT IS POSSIBLE FOR A PERSON TO BE WHO IT CHOOSES TO BE. Anytime. Anywhere. At any given situation. Philo has opened my eyes to see how little I know of about the world that surrounds me. It has made me realize that THERE IS MORE TO THE WORLD, TO LIFE, THAN SCIENCE CAN SHOW US. Philo has helped me appreciate life & its intricacies, its complexities. LIFE ISN'T EASY BUT IT IS BEAUTIFUL. Philo has certainly helped me see the world in a new light. This was the beauty of Philosophy for me. I really enjoyed thinking outside the box, and really feel your mind at work. From Philo, I sorta got to see the ill effects of Science on mankind... but still, despite all those negative qualities of Science, I still choose to live my life for it, I still do believe in its powers... I guess this could be equated with LOVE... Choosing to continuously attach yourself to something or someone, to dedicate yourself to it despite all the negatives.
TO DRAW SCIENCE OUT OF ME IS TO DISRUPT MY VERY OWN SELF. Science has become an important part of me that it has caused meanings to stick to me forever, meanings that would define my being...but (as learned in Philo), not completely. My Scientific Attitude is but a glimpse of my being, a bite of it. But I wish to say that somehow, I cannot deny the fact that at some point in time, Philosophy has helped me realize some new things about my self, about others around me, about the world in which we exist.
Now, there's another thing that scares me... the Bible (namely, the Book of Revelations). Many times I have been told that the end times are fast approaching & may even happen in my generation. It is now I see how much Science contributes to that idea through the rapid progression of technology. It is said that there will come a time when we would greatly depend on this chip of some sort (it has already been invented by Science, for those who don't know) for our survival in this world. This chip is said to be the sign of the devil (as stated in the Bible). Each and everyone would be asked to avail of this chip in order to live.... to do otherwise would mean death. SCIENCE vs. RELIGION.

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