Sunday, December 27, 2009

holiday madness

buzzbuzzbuzz... busy busy busy... that's how it's been soooo far since the 24th. haven't gotten a decent night of sleep yet...oooh, and it was this time that i managed to drive my actual brand new car around... for just about an hour tho. thankfully, i made it back alive. our choir's the one assigned to sing for the two midnight masses that night (which is already like our tradition).
funny thing was after the 2nd mass, every one of us was busy greeting each other, beso-beso and stuff. after all that commotion, as i was about to leave, making my way outta the church, someone called me from behind: "ATE FEMI!". i turned around and it was slob-girl Jeanette. why the code name you wonder? because this girl, she's nice but she idolizes me tooo damn much. and tries to kiss me every time she has to opportunity to do so. and everytime she does kiss me, it's not the usual beso-beso, cheek-cheek thing. when she kisses, she literally puckers her lips to my cheeks and spews out gallons of secretions (i.e. saliva) making my cheek feel like the pacific ocean. LITERALLY. so, EEEW. sorry. but im just saying.

25th. WAY tiring day! exhaustion! went to Cavite to deliver gifts then rushed on back to Alabang for lunch at Tita Evelyn's. I was willing to drive but NOT to Cavite. Unfortunately, I had NO choice. i tried to oppose but my dad won the argument. waaaah. nooooo. thankfully, nothing happened to my pretty car =)
after lunch, headed on back home and readied myself for the 4pm mass. 'twas just me and Tita Joy. oh gawrsh. the 5:15pm mass also had only 2 available lecs when i asked Chock. I would've volunteered but i was so darn tired already. so headed back home na.
in case it isn't obvious yet: I did all the driving this day, thankyouverymuch.

26th. went to Pasay. thankfully, didn't drive anymore. and thankfully, didn't bring my car. otherwise, i wouldn't be able to relax. it's so brand new (test driven 13dec; received 15 dec).. if anything happens to it... oh gosh.
played Wii with 3na... tennis sucked... loved the boxing.
after: headed to moa. wanted to literally scream and scold some parents in the hypermarket for bringing their 3 kids along with them... their 3 kids with chickenpox/measles! totally ruined my day! I swear my blood pressure skyrocketed at that instant!

27th. drove to church for my usual duty. kids were practicing songs. as i went down from my car, i felt eyes trailing me. didn't care to look whose they were. just went on straight to the main entrance of the church to sign attendance. as i was heading to the front to check on the readings, etc. I saw N following me, trying to catch my glance. she was smiling. argh. wtf. i thought we were over this and you're finally leaving me alone. grrr. what more should i do for you to get the hell outta my life!
and worse was that after the 4pm mass, as me and two of my kasamas were planning our jan1 duty, N approached me, tugging at my sleeve. i didn't know it was her. wasn't expecting it to be her at all. and since i was talking with some other people, i was naturally smiling and all... a genuine smile. but the instant i turned around and saw into her. ha! haha! ha! sorry but my reflexes kicked in. the smiley face was immediately gone and i turned to a more serious tone! hahaha! didn't mean it or anything but it just happened. REFLEX. no, wait. actually im not THAT sorry. proves that i can still be straightforward when i want to.

since i can't have my way with words on her... my actions just have to show it.

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