Friday, September 01, 2006

MIDTERMS are over!

WHEW! I can't believe I actually survived the midterms!
All tests were so hard, especially since I didn't study at all! Well, okay, I did some practices for Algebra (since I wanted to maintain my record in math) but i seriously under-estimated the teacher, the exam turned out to be so hard! waaah! Sir told me the test would be easy for me.. :(
I concentrated all my study periods for philosophy since I really needed to get a HIGH grade in this subject, this is the reason why I wasn't able to study well for the other subjects. I studied a bit for art app., I actually just scanned the handouts given to us (6 handouts, copy-pasted, plagiarized, 35 pages of useless information! MAN! whatta teacher! she didn't discuss to us one single thing! AAARGH.) . I didn't feel the need to study for her subject cos during the prelims, we were given make-up exams (cos the whole class failed thanks to her!) and as for review, miss gave us a 3-page handout and told us to just memorize it... Guess what?! none of those in the handout was in the make-up exam!
Wednesday was my worst sched of exams because 4 of my 7 exams were held on this day. Algebra, Art, English, and Gen. Psych.
Thursday was the best day, only one exam. Philosophy.
On Friday, I had two exams scheduled, Chemistry and Filipino, but there was a 4.5 hour break in between... but, make that 3.5 hours now because the proctor came late, so we didnt get to start the exam on time.
After my very last exam, I headed to my bro's house... he had an interview scheduled today. The interview was actually already finished by the time I got there, it's a good thing the crew hadn't left yet,... I think they were wrapping up the scene, shooting while strolling down the park. I was expecting it was Karen Davilla who was going to do the interview (as my mom had told me) so I was in awe when I saw Miss Bernadette Sembrano alongside my brother! She was so kind, she shook my hand as my brother inroduced me to her. She was really so kind, friendly, down-to-earth, and really REALLY pretty...Ü She stayed long after the interview was over, and she was just talking to us, even advised me on my staying with Nursing, she had told me I don't even need to be a graduate to be a broadcaster (one of the many things which I also wanted to be, remember?!Ü), so there's no need to really take up MassComm. And, before she left, she shook my hand again and wished me luck in my future. I AM SO GLAD it was her who did the interview. I really admire her a lot because she seems so simple and down-to earth, and I was right, she is. =)

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