Friday, September 08, 2006

Whatta LOOONG day...

At the start of this day (and since yesterday), I had been "problemizing" on whether I'd attend the choir and sing for the 7pm mass or stay in school for the College Cup. Sure, the mass IS important but so are my college grades. We were told by our profs that attendance would be recorded and that those who attended the College Cup would get plus points. We weren't exactly told how many points but I was expecting 5 points... but even if they gave us 2 points, i would be extremely happy about that for it is in college that you get to appreciate the value of one point. In college, every point counts. It's like one point is equivalent to 1% of your grade. And, since quizzes are not as often given (compared to G.S. and H.S.), this makes a great big difference in the outcome of the final grade (prelim/midterm/final grade). It's even better if they actually add those points to the final grade itself. This is because a mere one point could actually affect the outcome of your GPA and save you... because in my course, aside from having to get a passing of 81, you also have to get a GPA of 83 (but, as for me, it's a passing of 87 and a GPA of 89 since I am aiming for DL position, and I also kinda have this contract with the school). On the other hand, I was also needed in the choir because I was told that a lot of the other members couldn't make it... haaaay... WHAT TO DO?!
I decided to just attend the College Cup at 1730H and leave for the mass at 1845H. Yes, I headed straight to church from school, which is why I even had my bag. Kinda felt bad on leaving though cos I was really looking forward to the games, and this only happened once a year as Bea and I were told.
Our last subject for the day was NSTP, which was supposed to end at 1600H but thankfully (somehow) we were dismissed much earlier at 1430H. At first, Bea, Carisse, and I stayed at Smokey's... then later on, Carisse had to go practice for the College Cup (she was the commentator), so it was just Bea and I. We killed time over at the library, surfing the net for free! *winkwink* We spent about an hour in the library and after that, we still had about an hour left. We made our way to Las PiƱas Doctors Hospital. You should have seen myself there, I was probably struck by a moment of awe... anticipating duty days... haha! It was sooo fun exploring the hospital (well, the second floor, at least) and even more fun cos Bea and I had sooo much laughs....we even started talking philosophically, and people were watching us.. haha! This day was soo fun not only cos I got to step in a hospital (not my first time though, but it's just that probably the only hospitals I've ever been to so far are Asian, Pque. Med., and Mkti Med)... but also because Bea and I had a lot of hilarious moments.. haha!

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