Wednesday, October 21, 2009


sem break's almost over (classes resume 04 nov.)... and this time, it's 4th yr - 2nd sem for me... yeah baby! GRADUATION HERE I COME! but....

is it really that great?

all this time i've been so excited for graduation as it means i'm done with my pre-med (BSN) and I'm one step closer to gaining my MD.... that's all i really wanted since i was a child actually.


... re-visiting Chicago last year made me realize that i ought to use my RN as a stepping stone. Use it to get me to the US, work for a couple of years, save up, and support myself through med school. that way, i could actually practice med there... cos otherwise, it's gonna be hard to take up med in 'pinas and try to get in the US... hardly unlikely.

.... now, i honestly can't imagine me having to work as a nurse. makes me scorn.

.... i found some "meanwhile studies" to gradually pursue my med. Nurse Practitioner (NP) vs. Physician's Assistant (PA). both have their pros and cons, and are more or less equal in terms of financial matters. i did my research. as of now i'm leaning more unto the PA side... but before i actually can take that, i need about 4 years (2000 hours of patient-related medical and/or volunteer experience)... but hold on, before you think 'then just go for NP', there is another catch to that. before you can take the course in NP, you first have to have not just a bachelor's degree in nursing but a MASTERAL degree. oh, good luck... and by 2015, they're going to change the pre-requisite to a DOCTORATE (of nursing of course). so, bleck. BESIDES, NPs are not allowed to do surgery (NOOOOOO! for those who don't know me, i'm sorta surgery happy - wanting to be a cardiovascular surgeon)... they are allowed to operate on their own tho, they can open their own clinics but they're trained still more on the nursing aspect...
and that differs greatly from how doctors are wired to think, the way PAs are being trained... PAs are allowed to do surgery but are not allowed to operate their own clinics tho,... they have to fxn under an actual MD. aside from those major differences, both have more or less the same "privilege" of determining Dx, Tx, writing prescriptions (in most states, that is... there are a few which prohibits NPs from giving out prescriptions)...


right now, I'm absolutely clueless as to what to do.... HELP!!!


this calls for WLIIA... i so love Ryan Stiles!!!! ^_^
getting me by right now, as i wrote this thing, is the music of Fresh 105.9 (my fave radio station in Chicago)... and the whiff of my Lacoste perfume, which i'm wearing right now... i've almost forgotten how much i love the scent of Lacoste perfumes, my ultimate fave (esp the simple, original pour femme version)

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