Thursday, August 26, 2010

thoughts on love

I guess this is what they mean when they say LOVE CONQUERS ALL. It's not really the circumstances but your values, your principles, your ideals.

Love is still bounded by rules of society, circumstances of the situations and events, personal duties, etc. But, it can defy everything else you ever imagined/ envisioned love to be. Desired qualities, ideal expectations, personal preferences, set standards, etc. These are all forgotten in love.

I myself had visions of who i wanted to love, the perfect person. And I always believed in setting out to find that one person who fits each and every standard I had set - musically inclined, age difference, character/personality, family inclination, etc. All my life, I set myself firmly on my values & principles and never allowed them to be shaken, shutting out anything or anyone that could be a threat. I valued my mind over anythying else. My goals came first. Career over relationships. Mind over heart. Intellect over emotions.


You came along...

And all that changed.

True, you had all the qualities I had ever wanted, except for some limitations I guess,.. and I know you know what those are - age (haha!), status, looks (I'm just kidding - mmm very gwapo!Ü). anyway, going back... So there. There are some limitations of course in our situation but because you made me fall so hard for you, here I am, a fool,... a fool so in love with you. I let go of everything else, my values, my principles, my priorities, everything. For the first time in my life, I took the f*cking risk. You now became my everything, you still are. And now I know, I can't live without you. I'm willing to deal with anything just for your love's sake. You've gotten me hooked, addicted. I've lost everything when I lost you - that's the reason I told you I needed you back, no matter how hard, no matter the pain. I'm not sorry for anything at all, for being this devoted to you. Thank you for loving me as well. And just as you say you'll love me and keep me in your heart for always, so will it be for you. I leave you my heart. Know that I'll always love you till the end of time, no matter what happens. Thank you for showing me love and all its beauty and pains. And don't ever be sorry for hurting me. I told you once, and I shall say it again: it was well worth the beauty of life and love as you have shown me.

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