Friday, November 23, 2007

Nursing Day

Okay, the day was 50-50. half good, half bad.... the bad part was the afternoon (as I expected. yes, after the lunch date @ Manx). So, here's the details of the day.

First of all, allow me to say. I HATE BEA!!!! She told me we had to be there @ 8, and so I was... only to find some friends there but her. And then thos people told me were Carisse, Di and Tabs were (2nd flr) so I went up to them. There I saw them with Dani (spelling?? anyway, he's Carisse's younger bro), they were watching Carlann's debut (hate her too,... how dare she cut us in that particular video?! and i thought we were friends!). So, anyway, found out from the gang that assembly was @ 9. WTF?! BEA!

As the program proceeded, everything was okay EXCEPT for that one performer who did the belly dancing (with matching singing ala shakira). Yep, she did that exact same thing she did during that Mr. & Ms. SISC thing. oh gawd! I could hardly watch (for the second time!). I seriously felt like barfing! She had to do it wearing a two-piece now! GAWD!!!! oh,.. but well, Carisse tells me I ought to admire her somehow... TO HAVE THAT MUCH SELF-ESTEEM! I can't believe Bea and Di enjoyed it, they were probably the only ones who did (yes, everyone was laughing their hearts out in disgust!haha, I'm so mean *wink*). Ooooh, and I almost forgot, the best performer (well, okay, not really performer) had to go to that girl who sang The Prayer. Actually, she sang it with some guy (who was also good) but SHE was ... oooooh.... she sounded exactly like Charlotte Church (if not even better maybe).

After the program, there were some games... and I tell you, Bea and I were starving to death there, we didn't have any bfast! So we kept bugging Carisse that we ought to go already to the Manx for lunch. The thing that made us even more excited was the fact that it was ala carte today! And the plus was that Dr. Adiviso joined us for lunch. After, I think he was actually volunteering to pay the bill (for all 6 of us)... but we hesitated... KKB nalang!

With the change we had left, we went and bought us some dessert... candies! haha, Bea & I were really like kids as we tried to buy the perfect treat for all 4 of us (Carisse excluded cos she already had her dessert... choco cake @ the Manx). Well, Carisse ought to be lucky for having us as friends. At least we still thought of getting her one lolly tho she was frustrated @ us for excluding her. haha! all four of us had 4pcs Haw-Haw (milk candy) & 1 grape lolly.... she only had 1 lolly and it was strawberry. haha! left-out! our reason for picking the grape candies? well, that's because we were all in purple today. How bout Carisse (who was also in purple)? Oh, nothing. We just wanted to make her feel left-out! haha! kidding. The truth was that there were only 4grape lollies left.

After that sugary high, all went downfall. We had to stay for the "Binalot Story" which finished at 4... and then after that, Diana & I headed to the choir practice. Most of our time had been lost searching for the room though... we were expecting it to be held @ the basic ed bldg (as usual)... but turns out, they were @ Gym3 (that new bldg across the street). haaay.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

First-Aid Training Course

YAY! Today marks the end of our last day for the First-Aid Training Course from CHEERS foundation (Community Health Education Emergency Rescue Services). ooohhhh, I'm excited to hear about the results... and get the ID! sadly, those'll be on Monday yet... though, not to worry, Monday's not that far away anyway...

Currently, I'm trying to look forward to tomorrow's activities. I don't want to have to wear purple! I don't have any casual purple shirt. Actually, don't have any white either (what we were required to wear over the training period) so I ended up borrowing those shirts from my bro (can't believe they could actually fit me!)... but now, I can't borrow purple (like he has any!). The program tomorrow's not the problem for me, really... it's more of whats happening after the nursing week program. We're being REQUIRED (as IC4 students) to watch the "Binalot Story" thing after lunch... ARGH!!!! talk about pure, extreme torture and boredom! Just trying to think of the positive side right now, it's an opportunity for a nice lunch-out with my friends again @ the Manx... though, I don't really know, not that excited for it. I'm trying to save plus all those calories plus I'm missing eating at home, haven't been doing so this week. :(

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Stick with You

Yes, I bet ya'll know that song of PCD and just the other day, I heard it play (after some long time). It did make me sad, made me remember a friend of mine and memories we used to share.
The history behind the song?
Well, one time, as I hitched a ride with that friend of mine, he turned on the radio and that song played. He sang that last particular line, those words.... "I must stick with you". He sang it in his usual sweet, charming, dashing, voice.
So, he sang a silly line from the song playing on the radio. What's the point you say?
Well, that was a time when things, I guess, were starting to fall apart between us. I didn't feel the same. See, this guy that I'm talking about was (and still IS) someone special and so dear to me, I do like him...only I don't know if he feels the same way. But there was once a time that, despite me knowing that I had a crush on him, I didn't feel like wanting to be with him, like wanting to even see him at all. I couldn't explain why, I couldn't even understand the feeling. I should be excited for those chances I had to be with him, but why did I feel dread and anxiety then?
Times would come when we had to get together and I bet he noticed me trying to stay distant and aloof, as he tried being extra nice to me. So, to cut things short, and skip all the drama, this was that time during that period I felt myself lost. And it was as though he was saying to me "I must stick with you"... meaning that, despite all things we were going through.
It all escalated up to the very point which, I think, signalled our "death". It must have hurt him somehow. To think our friendship was growing, I used to tell him everything going on in my life.... but that has stopped. I didn't even bother to tell him what course I decided to take; and then one day, he sees me and was shocked to know. He did seem kinda irritated (tho, as always, he doesn't really show it). I felt kinda bad after. If only he knew, I didn't want to tell him for two reasons...
  1. First was, okay, I didn't want to tell him cos I thought it wasn't my duty to tell him. Why should he know? We weren't in a relationship or anything.
  2. I was actually planning on surprising him with the news.

And now, here I am, about a year or more later... feeling sorry and deep regret. We're both oblivious to each other now, or so it seems. How could I have risked behaving so and losing whatever it was I had with him. If I had known only better.
Looking back on memories, it does make me wonder.... was it ever us? could it have been us when I didn't even know? He did show some signs but he wasn't exactly direct. He was sweet, made me feel special and everything... but he didn't exactly give solid facts. I know ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS. But still, actions can also be misinterpreted. I don't like relying on actions alone as one may end up hoping far too off, expecting oh so much and then just end up depressed. So, now, whether there was something between us or not, I'm innocent and unaware of it. All I know is that I miss those times, that friendship we used to share.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Shell Robbery / Shoot-out

WHOAH! cool-ness! but too bad I wasn't there to witness the incident as it happened.

It was probably somewhere between 11-1230. I was home then (break namin eh). When I went back to school, someone asked if I had witnessed it (and of course, told me everything about it na as well). I was so envious of those who were there, who got to see it live! may nabaril pa daw! oh man!

I wanted to go to the crime scene but I had a class eh... actually, just as I (with Bea) was about to go down to get to view the scene from the 1st floor window fronting Select, I bumped into the prof for my class at that time. I asked if I could go down to check it out. Thankfully, we bumped into him. At least, we didn't have to go all the way down to the 1st floor, the scene could be viewed from one of the rooms in the 4th floor. DARN! IT WAS SO COOL! You could actually see the blood left on the ground, right in front of the armored van.

Turns out, another one of my classmates (Marc A.) and some others were actually there, right outside Select when it happened. They were on their way back to school but decided to suddenly hide as the shooting began. They hid behind some car. Funny part was that car where they hid was actually the robbers' car! As soon as the robbers left (yep, nakatakas daw ung mga robber eh. daw ha. daw.), with the car, they run back to school na. If I understood right, I think they RAN AMIDST THE BULLETS. I think that's how it went, cos someone (a CI) told him that what they did was dangerous (running in the middle of the shooting festival), they should have just lain flat on the ground.

haha. oh how fun! hope that I could have been there to witness the shooting extravaganza! galore un! haha! SADISTIC?!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

ice ice baby

ICE! well, just wanted to "dedicate" some short post of some sort to my beloved friend, tabs! grabe! still quite on a high from last night. cant believe i was that hyper at the "after-party". was I drunk or something? hehe, seriously.

well, love you tabs. thanks for the wonderful food, i think. hehe. napakain kami ni bea eh! we couldn't resist second rounds! then after, feeling so guilty. sorry for the extremely short message i gave you (like one sentence?). I honestly didn't prepare anything. that's my mistake. you know how i don't like elaborating kasi, and i know you know how much WE love you and how glad we are na you're our ka-barkada (NOT! hehe.) see? another thing, i can't really be serious in stuff like that. we were even fooling you right up to the very last minute that we surprised you in the car. of course we would never ditch you in your party. it's only your debut so far that i've accepted the invitation to. I practically FORCED myself to go (hehe. you know that, i was telling you I was getting lazy to go cos of our hectic sked).

Tabs, Ice, Carlann... well, you know we'd always be there for you. we got your back. even if we always make fun of you (misplaced?; look what Bea done??!) hehe. think of it this way, at least you make us laugh, you're the life of the party. hehe. actually, we all are in our own unique ways, 'royt?! hehe. luvshooo!!!!