Friday, November 23, 2007

Nursing Day

Okay, the day was 50-50. half good, half bad.... the bad part was the afternoon (as I expected. yes, after the lunch date @ Manx). So, here's the details of the day.

First of all, allow me to say. I HATE BEA!!!! She told me we had to be there @ 8, and so I was... only to find some friends there but her. And then thos people told me were Carisse, Di and Tabs were (2nd flr) so I went up to them. There I saw them with Dani (spelling?? anyway, he's Carisse's younger bro), they were watching Carlann's debut (hate her too,... how dare she cut us in that particular video?! and i thought we were friends!). So, anyway, found out from the gang that assembly was @ 9. WTF?! BEA!

As the program proceeded, everything was okay EXCEPT for that one performer who did the belly dancing (with matching singing ala shakira). Yep, she did that exact same thing she did during that Mr. & Ms. SISC thing. oh gawd! I could hardly watch (for the second time!). I seriously felt like barfing! She had to do it wearing a two-piece now! GAWD!!!! oh,.. but well, Carisse tells me I ought to admire her somehow... TO HAVE THAT MUCH SELF-ESTEEM! I can't believe Bea and Di enjoyed it, they were probably the only ones who did (yes, everyone was laughing their hearts out in disgust!haha, I'm so mean *wink*). Ooooh, and I almost forgot, the best performer (well, okay, not really performer) had to go to that girl who sang The Prayer. Actually, she sang it with some guy (who was also good) but SHE was ... oooooh.... she sounded exactly like Charlotte Church (if not even better maybe).

After the program, there were some games... and I tell you, Bea and I were starving to death there, we didn't have any bfast! So we kept bugging Carisse that we ought to go already to the Manx for lunch. The thing that made us even more excited was the fact that it was ala carte today! And the plus was that Dr. Adiviso joined us for lunch. After, I think he was actually volunteering to pay the bill (for all 6 of us)... but we hesitated... KKB nalang!

With the change we had left, we went and bought us some dessert... candies! haha, Bea & I were really like kids as we tried to buy the perfect treat for all 4 of us (Carisse excluded cos she already had her dessert... choco cake @ the Manx). Well, Carisse ought to be lucky for having us as friends. At least we still thought of getting her one lolly tho she was frustrated @ us for excluding her. haha! all four of us had 4pcs Haw-Haw (milk candy) & 1 grape lolly.... she only had 1 lolly and it was strawberry. haha! left-out! our reason for picking the grape candies? well, that's because we were all in purple today. How bout Carisse (who was also in purple)? Oh, nothing. We just wanted to make her feel left-out! haha! kidding. The truth was that there were only 4grape lollies left.

After that sugary high, all went downfall. We had to stay for the "Binalot Story" which finished at 4... and then after that, Diana & I headed to the choir practice. Most of our time had been lost searching for the room though... we were expecting it to be held @ the basic ed bldg (as usual)... but turns out, they were @ Gym3 (that new bldg across the street). haaay.

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